From Paris to Bruge and London

So about two months (February) ago Icelandair had this amazing sale on flights to Paris and me a ton of vacation that I got this crazy idea that after ten years of me wanting to go and work not sending me it was time to do so. The husband and I had been having tons of issues and the fact that he had always said he didn’t want to visit France made me want to buy the ticket even more!! I toyed with the idea for about two weeks and then one evening after an 8pm night at work–yes those are still happening– I was eating a quick something for dinner and while he sat on the couch I told him “I’m going to France for about 9-10 days you can either come or stay but if I’m taking vacation this year it’s now.” As you all can imagine from reading this the blowup that followed that! Fast forward two days, I got an email from husband at work asking “what if I go” so after some discussions and parameters we bought the tickets.

Fast forward a month (April) and we are back to having issues, when have they really stopped (that’s another story) and then at points I wasn’t sure if I’d be getting on the plan with or without him. In early May, there were a number of time were either he or I said something about the trip which led to more serious discussions to include the ones consecutive weekends before we left–bottom line, we do love each other but the reality is that our personalities, love langauges, life drivers, etc are just too different and we are never going to change. So we decided hat after the trip was done we would file for divorce and wouldn’t you know it—we didn’t argue at all during the entire trip!!! Seven days of stress, a missed flight, 14hr sightseeing days, foreign languages, his anxiety flaring up, and we were fine but that can’t be done at home so clearly a sign.

Now CB and I–in order for each of us to figure out what we needed to figure out at home we had decided on May 1st to stay away from each other. He had not made it back to the office then so that made it easy, however, his first day back in was this past Monday so we shall see how things go when I’m back in the office next Tuesday and for how long we can continue to keep our hands of each other because sex is definitely not something I’m enjoying at home.